Free of Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis

certificateDengan ini kami mengumumkan bahwa seluruh team yang bekerja di semua cabang klinik gigi Noto bebas dari penyakit Hepatitis B dan Tuberkulosis (TBC). Jadi jangan takut untuk berobat di Noto karena kami sangat ketat mengikuti panduan internasional dalam mencegah mencegah infeksi silang di dalam klinik kami.

We proudly announce that all of the team at all Noto dental clinic branches are free of Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis (TBC). So don’t be afraid to have dental treatments with us because we strictly followed internasional guidelines to prevent cross infections among dentists, patients, and all employees.

We are fully standardised and certified by Dental Health Centre Quality.

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